Thursday, July 11, 2013


Only 46 days until I am home in Romania! Can you tell how excited I am? A dear friend of mine and her family are traveling over today so I think that has me extra eager to get there! But there is still so much to do between now and then, so I must be content to wait my turn...

The past few weeks have flown by since I last gave an update. However, many wonderful things have occurred! I have completed all my speaking engagements to date and was warmly welcomed by all of you! It was extra special to be at the McGraw Baptist Church, who has been with me from the beginning and has helped the ministry in so many ways over the years. It was also nice to be asked back to the Cortland Breakfast Rotary Club and meet old and new faces!

As I was preparing to go to Rotary, two needs for the ministry kept popping up in my mind. The first was need for a laptop that could facilitate the needs of the ministry and the second was someone from a legal background to join the Board for Project Hope for the Children. If questioned about needs, I was going to bring these two things up. However, without  ever being asked I was told that someone was donating a laptop to the ministry and that a lawyer living close to me might be interested in forming the Board! What a surprise and Blessing! And on top of that we have had many other applicants for the Board~ so my next task is to contact them with applications.

Fundraising has been going very well, but we still need about $2,000 more. My goal is to have at least $10,000 left after the two plane tickets and transport charges are paid off! I have also had some personal pledges to help with our own travel expenses, which will be a real blessing!

One of my prayers this year was that I would be granted access to the hospital again. If you remember last year there was an incident where a foreigner hurt a baby, since then no outside volunteer has been allowed to help with the children. The Nurse Manager made an exception for me last year; however she retired earlier this year and we have a new Nurse Manager. After much prayer and the skillful words of Alina and a friend, the Manager considered my request and invited me back. He was very gracious and thankful for the work Project Hope for the Children does in the hospital! The hospital Board of Directors also gave their permission. What a praise!

There are several conditions that I need to adhere to, but most I already do anyway. The hardest will be no photography! I love taking pictures of my sweet babies so please join me in praying that I might be allowed a few pictures. I am to be introduced to the Nurse Manager  by a doctor friend of mine and hope that the interview goes well!

I am preparing for the massive packing that will begin shortly and for the very long trip over. We have at least 24 hours of travel with our preschoolers so another prayer is that God calms them and helps them to sleep whenever possible! Jack is also looking forward to helping out the foundation I used to work for~ Children in the Son. I am looking forward to this special time with my family as they get to know my ministry better!

Thank-you all for your interest in this ministry and the children is so vitally helps! I know that many of these babies' lives have been changed because they received good food, care and stimulation during the first months and years of their life! And you had a part in that!

