Monday, October 28, 2019

November Service Team

Hello Friends!

      It is hard to believe, but after 16 years, I am finally able to take a team over to Romania with me to serve! I am so excited and stressed all at the same time!

   We have a great group of ladies going and they are so enthusiastic about serving! The unity I have felt in our meetings is amazing and I pray that all of them will be blessed because of this opportunity!

   We leave this coming Friday evening, the 1st of November and return Sunday, the 10th, close to midnight. We will be working afternoons at the hospital in Sibiu with the children there; holding and playing with them. We will assist a local, private orphanage one morning with anything they need assistance with and visit Association Smile and Hope for the Future to see the children at the after school program. While there we will make crafts with the kids and give them winter hats, mittens, and scarves. I also have some sightseeing of the two cities scheduled in so the team can see a little of the beauty and culture of Romania.

   This week there has already been attacks from Satan with illnesses, operations, and resignations so please be in prayer for our safety, health, and emotions as we travel. Below are pictures of the individual team members. If you want to know more about Sandy, Judy, Doreen, Beverly, Megan and Olivia, you can visit our Facebook or Instagram pages to read their bios. The links are at the bottom of this email.

   Many Blessings,







The hospital in Romania

Ramona in the hospital

Jack and Ramona Cummings

Monday, October 7, 2019

Project Hope for the Children, Inc: October Changes

Project Hope for the Children, Inc: October Changes: The Latest at PHFTC Hello Friends,    I hope you all are enjoying the change in seasons to Autumn weather and foliage! This season is alwa...

October Changes

The Latest at PHFTC

Hello Friends,

   I hope you all are enjoying the change in seasons to Autumn weather and foliage! This season is always a goodbye of summer and a waiting for winter, which is what our ministry is doing right now. Last Thursday was our last day working in the hospital in Oradea. It was a hard farewell for us, but without the contract from the Manager, we could no longer continue to work there with the babies. 

    It was sad to say goodbye to the place where Project Hope for the Children was "birthed". Last week was spent cataloging our supplies and deciding what to take and what to leave at the hospital. On Thursday, thanks to modern technology, I was able to be videoed in with Ali as she left the hospital. I saw the babies, spoke to some of the nurses and a doctor and had a farewell look at the outside of the hospital. There were some tears, however, we know that God has a plan and we are doing our best to seek out what the next step is in that plan. We still have our foundations in the Oradea area that we support and the hospital in Sibiu to keep us busy.

   We also have our Service Team headed over in November! Alina and I will be taking 6 wonderful ladies to one of the after school programs that we sponsor to do crafts with the kids, hand out scarves, hats, and mittens, and visit in the Roma village. Then the majority of our time will be spent in Sibiu holding and playing with the babies in the hospital. I am so very excited about this opportunity to share "my Romania" with others and let them be blessed by serving others!

   Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for all the changes and emotions Alina and I have right now as we look for new projects to care for the helpless in Romania!

  Many Blessings.
