PHFTC was once again able to bless multiple foundations with supplies for their missions! Today I will share with you about the NGO Humanitas/ Romanian Relief. We bought food and hygiene products for the group homes in Tinca where medically and emotionally disabled children live. At least one of these children, I cared for in the hospital many years ago and was rescued and placed in the homes. I met with their Director and shared in her concerns, stressors, and joys she had over the past year. We were also able to help them with food and supplies that were being taken over the border into Ukraine to a makeshift orphanage for special needs children. This last part was due to a sweet donor, who gave a substantial donation to PHFTC. She really wanted it to be used for orphans, but knew that the need of the Ukrainian Refugees was great, as well. In the end, she gave the gift without any strings attached and surrendered the gift to God. Of course, He already had a plan and that was for PHFTC to buy items from a list for orphans that had been moved from Western Ukraine to Eastern Ukraine and were set up in an old school! This gift killed two birds with one stone as the saying goes!
Andrea, our Romanian Outreach Coordinator, and I visited our pediatric hospital in Sibiu where we found a sweet 8 year old girl now a resident of the hospital. Ten months earlier she had drunk cleaning solution from a water bottle and her esophagus had been almost completely destroyed. The doctors in Bucharest had put a port in her stomach, but had no other training or ability to do more. She was then sent back to Sibiu to live in the hospital.
When we met little Codruta, her sparkling eyes and sweet smile immediately captured us, but after hearing her story, we became determined to give this little girl her life back! We are looking for a specialist in Europe or UK that would take this case on pro bono and do the complicated surgery of creating a new esophagus. Recently, Andrea met a German nurse, who knows a doctor in Germany that might be useful. We are trying to get the medical records translated and sent to them. Please pray that we can help this remarkable child with a new life! |