....Sitting in that hot, smelly room and holding the tiny frame of one of the babies, was a turning point in my life. I came face to face with real need in this world. I felt it was almost like watching a World War II documentary of the Holocaust and seeing the casualties caused by the disregard for human life. There was definitely a disregard here, but who was the blame has taken me many years to sort out. Right then I needed to concentrate on the child in my arms and the job that I was given.
I believe Abbey was feeling the same hopelessness because as I looked at her face I could see my heart mirrored there. Being a Type A personality, and not knowing what else to do with nothing, I suggested we go to the local supermarket- the first grocery to open months before my arrival- and purchase some baby supplies. She quickly agreed and we gratefully escaped the confines of the hospital to the air outside!
We both removed money at the bancpost from our personal accounts and went into the store. There was very little options in those days but we found some diapers, wipes, shampoo and soap. Enough to start us out. With renewed energy, we eagerly returned to our room ready to change our little world! Our babies eyed us with curiosity as we set our things up in the room and decided on what to do next.
Over the next several weeks, our friend Lauren joined us and we started caring for the babies in our room, as well as in the other rooms. I have never experienced such joy in helping others or such heartache at the conditions we faced. We soon realized that we could not support the babies from our own finances and that is when I sent an email to my supporters. I explained the new route my tour in Romania was taking me and asked if anyone felt led to donate money for baby supplies. Amazingly, within just a few weeks over $700 came in! I was so blessed that others had seen the needs and responded. What a joy to be used in this way! We had enough money to keep the babies supplied for many months and now the real work began!
Be ready for the posts on a "Typical Day" and "The Nurses"...
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