Monday, March 20, 2017

March Madness 4


 We are at Day 20 of our March Madness and have had 2 new monthly donors so far! that leaves 22 left to go to meet our goal! Here is a reminder of what we are looking for this year!

#1 The Sweet Sixteens: This group will make a pledge of $15-$35 a month

#2 The Elite Eight:  This group will make a pledge of $40 or more a month

** and if you want to do smaller amounts that is welcome too

Simply shoot me an email or message with your name and which team you are choosing. If you want our bank information for an automatic transfer, we can help with that or we can discuss other modes. You can also visit our website and go to the Support page and use the PayPal button to set up donations.                 

I also have a huge praise! Yesterday,I received a sock from our Sock Fundraiser going on at my church. Inside was a folded check. Upon opening it, my eyes widened to see it written out for $5,000 from a person that I cannot place a face to! What a blessing for our Ministry! Thank-you!

Enjoy your day and thank you for what you do for our babies!

In Him,


Saturday, March 11, 2017

March Madness 2

The Latest at PHFTC

Just a reminder that our March Madness Campaign has started! IF you didn't read the last update, here's a recap! With our fundraising season upon us and with me preparing to leave for Romania in 54 days (but whose counting), we raise the bulk of our money for the purchasing I do while there, now! While I am there, I purchase almost all of our Oradea Hospital supplies, a quarter of our Sibiu Hospital supplies and contact each Foundation Director that we collaborate with and purchase their greatest needs.

However, there are other expenses and purchasing and requests throughout the year and it has become needful to find monthly financial partners.This will allow us to budget better and to serve other foundations more freely.So we have created this March Madness fundraiser around that need!

We are looking for two groups of monthly givers:

#1 The Sweet Sixteens: This group will make a pledge of $15-$35 a month

#2 The Elite Eight:  This group will make a pledge of $40 or more a month

** and if you want to do smaller amounts that is welcome too

Simply shoot me an email or message with your name and which team you are choosing. If you want our bank information for an automatic transfer, we can help with that or we can discuss other modes. I will be updating you all on the STATS every few days both here, the website and Facebook.

And lastly, that brings me to another point! We have our new website published! It is still is being adjusted, but I'm so excited to share it with you! Please check it out and let me know what you think!
Thank you for all you do!


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

March Madness

The Latest at PHFTC

Hello Friends,

    In two short months, I will be back in Romania for my annual oversight trip; this is where I do the bulk of the supply purchasing, visit with the Hospital's doctors and nurses, and reconnect with our small staff and other Foundation Directors. It is so very hard to wait a year to be back where why heart calls home, so you can imagine the anticipation I am living under right now! 

   This is also the busiest time of year for me as we do the bulk of our fundraising prior to the trip! I love sharing God's goodness throughout the year to the Ministry and what He has taught me AND I love seeing your familiar faces! So please pray for my family and me over the next couple of hectic months.

  This season also brings us to one of our favorite fundraisers of the year~ March Madness! This has been a popular fundraiser in the past so I encourage you to commit again or join in this year! For the whole Month of March we are going to be looking for people to pledge to a monthly donation. Having monthly donors who support PHFTC is becoming more important as we grow and makes it so much easier to budget. Will you consider joining us?

#1 The Sweet Sixteens: This group will make a pledge of $15-$35 a month

#2 The Elite Eight:  This group will make a pledge of $40 or more a month

** and if you want to do smaller amounts that is welcome too

Simply shoot me an email or message with your name and which team you are choosing. If you want our bank information for an automatic transfer, we can help with that or we can discuss other modes. I will be updating you all on the STATS every few days both here, the website and Facebook.

And lastly, that brings me to another point! We have our new website published! It is still is being adjusted, but I'm so excited to share it with you! Please check it out and let me know what you think!

So let the Games begin!

In Him,


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

New Website!

We have a new website designed by one of our volunteers, Samantha Pierce! Please check us out at . This site will stay up for a while, but our new website will be current! Also, check us out on FacebookLinkedIn and instagram
