Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Looking Back on 2022

 We here at PHFTC wish you a Blessed New Year and want to thank you for partnering with us in our mission to care for abandoned and needy children! We appreciate you and would like to update you on the highlights of this last year!

What a busy and blessed year PHFTC has had! In February, Russia invaded Ukraine and presented a whole new opportunity for PHFTC to care for the needy due to many Ukrainians crossing the Romanian border and needed a place of safety and rest. Many of our partners embraced this opportunity and took in these homeless mamas and children. This provided a unique opportunity for us at PHFTC  to purchase supplies for the refugees, as well as food, medicine, and hygiene products for hospitals and orphanages across the border in Ukraine. One refugee mama sobbed when she was given a bottle of shampoo from us as she hadn't been able to wash her hair in a month.  That was a $5 donation that became the hands of Jesus.
The pediatric hospital continues to care for babies in Sibiu  and  Ramona and Andrea visited  and held the children. Olga, our Board Treasurer, met Ramona in Romania and worked as a translator to the Ukrainian Refugees as they traveled from camp to camp. They also were able to visit  one of the Roma villages and check in on Sammy, a little boy that Mona took care of for years in the hospital. His joy at seeing her is such a delight. This Fall, Ramona and Kristen, Board Vice Chair, went to Romania and found an orphanage an hour away from our home base. This is an exciting opportunity to help in new areas! PHFTC has had a burden for our tired partnering foundation directors, and we put on a banquet on to encourage and thank them.
2022 gave PHFTC the opportunity of again going to Puerto Rico! Ramona and Kristen took their families with them and introduced to the children to the ministries there. While, there they stayed at the Christian School for the Deaf and met Henry, PHFTC’s sponsored educational student. Henry has settled into the school life and is doing much better than before. He is feeling the love and commitment from Director Betsy and learning sign language more increasing his communication skills.
The team purchased books for the children in the orphanage and in the pediatric hospital. Many baby supplies, food, and hygiene products were purchased for the hospital and orphanage and the families had a chance to play with the kids at the home.  The hospital unbeknownst to Ramona were almost out of one size of diapers– and that was exactly the size that the team purchased double of! There was much praising God after realizing that fact! They also visited the afterschool program on the other side of the island and shopped for plants, soil, and other gardening items for the new agricultural club.
· Health and wisdom or the Board of PHFTC
· Trip to Puerto Rico in March  to visit and buy supplies for the hospital and foundations there. Continue to build relationships and broaden our reach.
· Fundraising and new donors
· Trip to Romania in the summer with Ramona’s family to purchase supplies and check in on partnering foundations
· New opportunities and doors opened to serve
· Grateful for our prayer partners and donors
· Thankful that  we were able to travel safely and work in 2022
· This March, marks the 20th anniversary of Ramona moving to Ramona and later founding this ministry!
PHFTC had the blessing of several safe, successful fundraisers this year! March Madness, our second Online Auction, and Giving Tuesday all received a great response and you, our friends, have been so generous! Through churches, organizations, and private supporters, we have been able to increase our giving in Puerto Rico, support the Ukrainian Refugees, and continue serving the projects in Romania that we are already committed to.
In 2022, over $48,000 was donated for our mission! Our proposed budget for 2023 is $56,525 as we hope to increase our aid wherever the Lord leads this year. We are trusting that  God will supply all our needs as He knows exactly what needs will come and what children we care for.  James 1:27

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