Saturday, March 9, 2019

March Madness 3

Hello Again!

PHFTC buys supplies and gives those supplies to the hospitals or foundations. We do not give money as I want to be 100% sure that our money is being used appropriately. However, there are always many needs..

This month, I am looking for new monthly sponsors(and the return of old ones:)

For the amount of $12 a month,(or multiples of that) you could help with the purchasing of three boxes of cereal. When I first entered the hospital 16 years ago, the cribs were filled with emaciated babies. Carrot juice and a cream of wheat mixture was the diet unless someone donated formula. It was heartbreaking to see! One of the first things I started buying was rice cereal to fill their tummies and help put weight on their bodies. Still to this day, we supply cereal to the children in our first hospital. 

Also, toys are always a part of our budget as the babies and children in our care at the hospital sit in their cribs all day, every day. Please consider becoming a monthly sponsor at $10 day (or other multiples of 10). This, for example, would provide two or more toysfor the stimulation and comfort of these children.

Please consider sacrificing a "coffee" or two a month to send us a donation for these amounts. It can be a donation every month or you can make one time donation for the whole 12 months.  You can make the donation on our website or send a check to PHFTC, 6983 Chase Rd, Fabius, NY 13063

Thank you for your compassion and generosity!



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