Thursday, August 4, 2022

Summer Edition

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PHFTC Update ~ Summer Edition

Hello Friends, Ramona here! Much has happened since I last updated and I apologize for the silence. Family life sometimes becomes a priority and we have had many major things going on including the addition of a sweet, foster baby that has had a very tough start in life. All in all, we are managing with lots of prayers and grace. In May, I traveled to Romania for my annual work trip to purchase supplies, work in the hospital, visit with our Partners, and minister to the Ukrainian Refugees. So many blessings this trip and very sobering on how quickly our lives can change.
PHFTC was once again able to bless multiple foundations with supplies for their missions! Today I will share with you about the NGO Humanitas/ Romanian Relief.  We bought food and hygiene products for the group homes in Tinca where medically and emotionally disabled children live. At least one of these children, I cared for in the hospital many years ago and was rescued and placed in the homes. I met with their Director and shared in her concerns, stressors, and joys she had over the past year. We were also able to help them with food and supplies that were being taken over the border into Ukraine to a makeshift orphanage for special needs children.
This last part was due to a sweet donor, who gave a substantial donation to PHFTC. She really wanted it to be used for orphans, but knew that the need of the Ukrainian Refugees was great, as well. In the end, she gave the gift without any strings attached and surrendered the gift to God. Of course, He already had a plan and that was for PHFTC to buy items from a list for orphans that had been moved from Western Ukraine to Eastern Ukraine and were set up in an old school! This gift killed two birds with one stone as the saying goes!

Andrea, our Romanian Outreach Coordinator, and I visited our pediatric hospital in Sibiu where we found a sweet 8 year old girl now a resident of the hospital. Ten months earlier she had drunk cleaning solution from a water bottle and her esophagus had been almost completely destroyed. The doctors in Bucharest had put a port in her stomach, but had no other training or ability to do more. She was then sent back to Sibiu to live in the hospital. 

When we met little Codruta, her sparkling eyes and sweet smile immediately captured us, but after hearing her story, we became determined to give this little girl her life back! We are looking for a specialist in Europe or UK that would take this case on pro bono and do the complicated surgery of creating a new esophagus. Recently, Andrea met a German nurse, who knows a doctor in Germany that might be useful. We are trying to get the medical records translated and sent to them. Please pray that we can help this remarkable child with a new life!
In February, a group of us from PHFTC with our children, traveled to Puerto Rico and visited with our Sponsored Education Student, Henry. What a change we saw from one year to the next and all for the positive! We also started a pen pal club with Henry and some of the other kids at the school.
This year along with our children, Vice Chair, Kristen and I shopped for the pediatric hospital in San Juan. We loaded cart after cart with supplies from their list! For some reason , we kept finding more of a certain size diaper and I kept insisting that we would buy all we found. The kids teased me about it. LOL However, a few days later, as we were delivering the supplies, a helper at the hospital excitedly ran over to the Directora while we were speaking. He gladly announced that they were almost out of that size diaper and we had delivered sooo many of them! What a praise that we could help in such a small way!
Please pray for our upcoming Fundraisers!
We have our Teen Rockathon coming up in September! All teens welcome to come and rock and have fun while raising money for a great cause! Please send us an email for more information.
We have been blessed by the new churches that have invited me to speak and have helped PHFTC financially!
We  are hoping to send a small team to Romania in the Fall to work with the Ukrainian Refugees and minister to the directors there and we will need funding.
We are currently hoping to raise $10,000 by the end of the year with our fundraisers and individual giving! If you would like to help please visit us at our website at and follow us on Facebook and Instagram or send a tax deductible donation to the address below.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

March Newsletter

 Project Hope for The Children (PHFTC) Organizational Prayer Points: 

1. Prayer for fundraising /ideas /more streams of income, etc. 

a. Our March Madness Fundraiser will be kicking off soon as PHFTC celebrates 19 years since                 Ramona has started working in Romania.

2. Prayer for when and where Ramona is speaking. Receptivity from the congregation /organization /Pastor(s). 

  1. Please be in prayer as Ramona sets up speaking engagements this spring to update the churches and fundraise.

  2. We are also praying for new churches to take an interest and invite PHFTC to come and present so we can reach a broader donor base.

3. Prayer for PHFTC current donors and their families, as well as future potential donors. (also churches who support us)  ~ With Covid still prevalent, please keep our fellow brothers and sisters in partnership in your prayers. Many are struggling physically and financially because of the pandemic.

4. Prayer for the facilities/children we serve. 

a. The Pediatric Hospital in Sibiu has several abandoned children residing at the hospital currently. Ukrainian refugees are starting to enter the city and could end up needing the pediatric hospital. We have ordered a large amount of supplies and are having them delivered this week as there is concern of the Russian Invasion and the ramifications on supplies, etc.

b. The Afterschool Program : Pray that they can get sponsors for their farm project.

c. Praise that we were able purchase the heating pellets for the Romanian Relief Orphanage

d. Pray for Forget Me Not Ministries as they are preparing for the Ukrainian Refugees that are coming into Oradea.

e.  Praise that Ramona and Kristen were able to travel to Puerto Rico with their families and serve with their children on the island.

f. Praise that Ramona and Kristen were able to stay at the Deaf School and visit with Henry, PHFTC’s educational student. Our ministry has families that sponsor the tuition so that Henry can receive an education and the tools of ASL as he is going deaf. We noticed that Henry was more relaxed and secure this year and is learning at a slow if not consistent rate. His foster mother reported that he was doing better in their home as well. Our prayer is that the Lord would touch Henry’s heart and he would accept the Lord as his personal Savior.

g. PHFTC purchased solar lights, plants, soil, seeds, etc. for the new Agricultural Club they are starting at Casa Juan Bosco, the Afterschool program in Puerto Rico.

h. Praise that the women were able to purchase many basic baby essentials and hygiene products for the Hospital de Ninos in San Juan and the 22 medically fragile, foster children residing there

i. Praise that PHFTC was also able to purchase supplies for Hogar Regazo de Paz, a children’s home on the island that houses and cares for 12 foster children. Our children spent three hours playing and interacting with these foster children after the supplies were donated and both sets of children were blessed!

5. Prayer for the needs of the org, whether items or for example, a breakthrough in an area of something PHFTC is trying to accomplish. (ie: a school, facility, water, etc.) 

a. Please pray for these new fundraisers that PHFTC is trying out as it is new territory for us and stretching us! 

b.  We need wisdom as we plan our trip for 2022 to Romania. The Russian Invasion is very upsetting to us as the border of Ukraine touches Romania and already refugees are pouring in. The thought of an attack on Romania and the war planes that are already flying overhead the Oradea area are cause for concern! Please be praying for peace in the area as Ramona plans a trip in May.

  1. One of our Directors has family in Ukraine, which makes it even more personal for us here at PHFTC.

  2. Pray that we can help our partner foundations in Romania with the refugee crisis as they shift gears to add in housing the women and children coming across the border. Our hope is to send along supplies of food, diapers, linens, and towels etc. to aid these homeless families.

    6. Prayer for PHFTC Board Members (and their families) 

a. Ramona- this is a difficult time for Mona with her fibromyalgia. The pain often limits what she can do or how her memory functions. Mona’s son Andrew also experiences more stressors due to school and mood disorders. He has been having difficulty regulating himself and it requires a lot of time and patience to manage the issues.

b. Mandy, Kristen, Olga, Debbie, Nancy and Jeff- each of our Directors are facing challenges currently and need prayer to juggle their lives and their responsibilities here.

c. Please pray that we can find more Board Members and Resources.

7. Prayer for other team members including contractors, web designers, and those involved with the growth of the organization. 

a. Larry, our NEW volunteer working on webpage

b. Our Marketing Coordinator has left for a full time job and we need a replacement. Please pray God brings another person along, gifted in fundraising and long range planning.

c. Andrea, our Romanian Outreach Director, in România helping with the day to day needs and shopping for the foundations. Pray for protection as she is living in Romania.

d. Cornelia, our volunteer Nurse Liaison, working in Romania in the Sibiu Pediatric Hospital- please pray for her health as she works in this very difficult field.

8. Prayer for the town of Fabius (NY), town officials; Prayer for our community where our organization is based.

9. Thank you for your prayers and  support over the last few months! We are so grateful that we have so many voices raised to God on our behalf. If you want more information and media, be sure to check out our blog posts located on our website, and our Facebook and Instagram pages where we have weekly photos and videos.